Comprehensive Solution Focussed program
Post initial consult - 12 weeks of support & therapy services for the individual, family and school
Service Description
Working together across the span of your life, including individual therapy, family support and school liaison. We work together for three months, as much or as little as needed to give you a better life when with tics and or neurodiversity payment of £500 a month for 3 months. This is to book your first session/ activate payment plan. For way to long, I have not been able to provide families with an 'actual' figure on how much embarking on therapy will cost. As without knowing their medical profile, and any other issues they may be dealing with, I simply do not know how many sessions will be required. I also find that those who come for CBiT for example, also have other factors impacting their tic frequency such as issues with School support, siblings/family members not understanding their needs, or needing support around confidence and resilience when living with tics. All these other factors can be supported, and I always recommend that they are, but of course, can result in further costs to the family. Now in a time where we are all worried about finances, due to the ever increasing energy bills and cost of living, we shouldn’t have the added stress when trying to access support for ourselves or loved ones. With this in mind, we are proud to announce that Tictock Therapy is now providing a comprehensive 14week solution-based programme. You will receive a comprehensive intervention for you and the whole family (school & employment options available) You will have a set price, with no hidden costs. You will receive a lot more for the set fee, than if you paid for everything individually You will open up more opportunities to apply for funding* You will have the opportunity to set personal goals and not be put into a set programme You will see the transformation as we go** Within these 14 weeks, we will unpick the issues you’re facing as an individual, and as a family. We will make a goal-focused plan of action and work as much as we need to within those 14 weeks to provide you with the solutions required to meet your goals. An idea of what your package may cover is - Whole Family Goal Setting - Tic Management Therapy throughout (CBiT/ERP/HRT) - Confidence and Resilience Solutions - Whole family solutions - Coaching for co-occurring symptoms (if required) - School Liaison (including training, strategies & resources based on the goals set from the individual and teacher/ school)
Contact Details
Tictock Therapy, Lion Hill, Stone Cross, Eastbourne, UK